Rack Mounted IOC 6-Site IndustryPack®
Carrier Card
Product Description
The IOC 9010 is a 1U high rack mounting Input Output Controller. The IOC has 6 IndustryPack® slots each with a mini signal conditioning card and an Intel® Atom™ 1.33Ghz PC104+ processor, with network (10/100/1000 Mbps), USB 2.0, 320GB hard disc and 2GB RAM (other options possible). As a system component it is available as an EPICS IOC running either RTEMS or LINUX or Windows, as a VSYSTEM Controls computer running Linux or Microsoft Windows or as an OPC server.
The functionality of the IOC is determined by industry packs fitted, these include ADC, DAC, Digital I/O, Isolated I/O, RS232, RS485, Stepper Motor Controller and Scaler.
Key Features
Six sites are provided for Industry Packs (IP) providing a wide range of I/O functions. An open specification defines the key characteristics ensuring compatibility between suppliers.
Auto configuration scans the IP slots to determine the current I/O for rapid configuration. Drivers for Newwood’s IP cards will allow systems to be operational quickly.
Each industry pack has a Signal Conditioning Board which allows signal conditioning and plant isolation to be added. We have chosen the 50-way SCSI II connector so that inexpensive, commercially available cables can be used with Newwood’s range of DIN Rail Terminal Boards for connection to plant wiring.
Six sites are provided for Industry Packs (IP) providing a wide range of I/O functions. An open specification defines the key characteristics ensuring compatibility between suppliers.
Auto configuration scans the IP to determine the current I/O for rapid configuration. Drivers for Newwood Solutions IP cards will allow systems to be operational quickly.
Product Summary
User Manual This link is for the latest version of the IOC9010 Manual.